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Guidelines for Oral Presentations

  • Presentation time allowed is seven minutes. An additional three minutes will be used for Q&A. The time limit should be strictly observed and will be enforced by the session chair.

  • The speakers must arrive to the venue at least 15 minutes before their presentations are scheduled to start so that the presentation files can be loaded on to the computer system at the venue.

  • Speakers are requested to use the computer system available at the venue. Carry your presentation files on a USB disk/ flash drive and do not rely on internet access at the venue to retrieve your files.

  • The presentation files must be in Microsoft PowerPoint format; i.e. .ppt, .pptx. or .ppsx. The visual aspect ratio of projectors at the venue is 16:9, so presentations should be prepared accordingly.  

  • The content of the presentations should be limited to 8-10 PowerPoint slides. Presentations should ideally follow the scientific format with sequential headings of Background/Introduction, Review of Literature, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion and References.

  • Make sure that the content in each slide is not too detailed. The font size should be at least 16 points and the layout/formatting of the slides should be consistent throughout. Please include only the information or data that can be properly communicated in the allotted time.

  • If the presentations contain audio visual components, speakers must communicate it to the session chair well before their presentation is scheduled so that necessary arrangements can be made. 

Please bookmark and consult this webpage for any new updates on the presentation guidelines

Guidelines for Poster Presentations

  • The poster must be in portrait format. The size should be A1 standard size (23.4 inches x 33.1 inches). 

  • Use non-serif fonts (e.g. Helvetica, Arial, Verdana).

  • The title should be printed in a large font size and the layout for all sections should be kept consistent. 

  • The content on the poster should run from top to bottom and then left to right. The margins and line spacing should be kept consistent

  • Posters must be printed on paper only. Posters made of flex or plastic materials will not be displayed at this conference. You should have your posters printed before arriving at the conference and printing facilities might not be available at the venue.

  • The content of the poster should be organized under the following headings: Background of the Study, Methods, Results, Discussion & Conclusions and Key References (max 5).

  • Mention authors' names and affiliation under the title and the authors’ institute logo can also be printed beside the title. Provide an email address for corresponding author on the poster.

  • Mention any funding sources or other such relevant information.

  • Use charts, figures and/or tables to illustrate data or convey information on the poster. The graphics and tables should have a title and legend. Long or detailed tables with raw data should be avoided. 

  • Presenters can bring handouts (poster details on one page, or poster snapshot) to attendees to supplement their poster. 

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