The registration fee details are given below. The amounts are in Indian Rupees (INR). Registration is open till 10th December, 2023.
You can register and attend the conference even if you are not submitting an abstract for presentation. All are welcome; please register and join us at BBC 2023.
Day 2 (15th Dec) of the conference has a series of talks on topics in Neurobiology and a 'Single Day' registration option is available only for Life Sciences and Neuroscience students. If your abstract has been selected for poster or oral presentation, please register for the full conference [Not eligible for single day registration]
BBC 2023- Student Delegates (Christites)- INR 2500
BBC 2023- Student Delegates (Others)- INR 3540
BBC 2023- Professionals- INR 5900
BBC 2023- Alumni members - INR 2124
BBC 2023- Professionals (from CHRIST)- INR 2500
BBC 2023- Single day (Day 2: 15th Dec)- Student Delegates (Christites)- INR 700
BBC 2023- Single day (Day 2: 15th Dec)- Student Delegates (Others)- INR 826
To Register
Go to and follow the steps below:
Select the option Conference
Select BBC 2023 (your respective category) and press Continue
Fill in all the details asked and press Continue
Select the Payment option
Complete the payment procedure
Please note the Transaction ID No and Date of transaction for future reference